Maximizing the sustainability of our supply chain and raw materials 

By improving our supply chain, we tackle these primary challenges of the aquaculture ecosystem:

Reducing the Forage Fish Dependency Ratio (FFDR) 

The FFDR evaluates aquaculture’s direct dependency on a pelagic fishery (e.g., anchoveta) or a fishery where the catch is directly reduced (such as krill).  

Two factors influence the FFDR: 

  • the inclusion of forage fish versus the total marine ingredient in the formula: the lower the inclusion of forage fish, the lower the FFDR 
  • Feed Conversion Rate (FCR): the lower the FCR (feed efficiency), the lower the FFDR 

According to Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) standards for farms, “Fishmeal and fish oil derived from fisheries’ by-products (e.g., trimmings and offal) should not be included in the calculation.” 

Because 100% of our production comes from co-product raw materials, our products help reduce FFRD in fish and shrimp feed formulas. 

Ensuring responsible supply  

  • Vendors commit to respecting the Symrise Responsible Sourcing Policy and Supplier Code of Conduct

  • We conduct due diligence throughout our supply chain to identify and mitigate risks to human rights and the environment 

Read more about the Symrise Code of Conduct

Giving our guarantee of sustainable supply 

  • Evaluation of fish resources for each new supplier listing 

  • Evaluation of suppliers’ level of certification 

  • Our ambition for the coming years: to reach 100% of co-product from aquaculture or certified wild catch  

Explore the other sutainability pillars








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